Common Questions About Pet Waste

Depending on your pet waste service of choice (commercial or residential) here are a list of common questions you've asked about using Poo Patrol LV. We've also included general common pet waste questions where Poo Patrol LV can be your hero!

First, let’s cover what pet waste management is. It involves a combination of pet waste collection and pet waste control to the proper disposal techniques of dog feces.


Question #1: How do you dispose of dog feces?

Answer: There are several ways to dispose of dog feces. You can flush dog waste down the toilet. You can purchase a doggie septic tank. You can bury dog feces to decompose. You can use a compost to dispose of dog feces.

Question #2: Is it dangerous to leave dog feces in your yard?

Answer: It is dangerous. You are more likely to spread what has been determined as “toxic” chemicals by the EPA and CDC all over your lawn that can be tracked into your home. If you leave dog feces in your yard unaddressed it will create a higher likelihood of catching zoonoses.

Question #3: What happens if you don't pick up dog feces?

Answer: As a dog owner you may not realize it, but dog waste is an environmental pollutant. As it lays in the grass and decays, toxic bacteria seeps into the soil, contaminating waterways. It can also burn your lawn if you don't pick up dog feces.

Question #4: How often should I pick up dog feces from my yard?

Answer: This will depend on how many dogs you have, how big your dogs are, and how large your property is. As a recommendation you should remove dog feces from your yard at least weekly.

Question #5: What type of cleaning supplies does Poo Patrol LV use?

Answer: We use "Clean Cleaners". It is 70-80x more efficient at killing pathogens than chlorine bleach. It has immediate effectiveness on killing pathogens.

Question #6: Does Poo Patrol LV services help fight against COVID-19?

Answer: Poo Patrol LV has valid claims to kill the pathogens and disinfect the COVID-19 virus by using a strong high powered disinfectant that is registered with the EPA. We use a hospital grade, no rinse, quick application, dry and go process, using a “wet” application. Wet application helps ensure less surface is missed vs surface wiping.

Question #7: Are the chemicals that Poo Patrol LV uses harmful?

Answer: No, “Clean Cleaners” is eco friendly, non toxic, organic, non irritating, plant safe, and EPA approved products.

Question #8: How does Poo Patrol LV sanitize dog feces?

Answer: We use products that kill pathogens like, Parvovirus, Distemper, Corona virus, Giardia, Leptospira, Listeria, Feline Herpesvirus, Canine Parvovirus, Feline Calici-virus, Feline Panleukopenia, HIV Virus, MRSA, Hepatitis Virus, Polio, E. Coli, Salmonella, Swine Flu, Avian Influenza (Bird Flu), Streptococcus and Staphylococcus.

Question #9: What do you mean by deodorize with Poo Patrol LV?

Answer: It means that our products eliminates odors no matter the temperature or weather. No stink when removing your stink!

Question #10: Will Poo Patrol LV cleaning products hurt my property?

Answer: Our cleaning product is biodegradable and will NOT damage your astroturf, grass, trees, or plants.